Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The First Month

My blogging time has decreased dramatically due to a certain little person who needs my attention.  :)  Cooper is a wonderful baby - I may jinx myself here but he only cries when he's hungry or needs a diaper change.  He's growing so quickly and has graduated to size 1 diapers and 3M clothes.  Nothing newborn about him now - at his one month check up, he weighed in at 9 lb 13 oz. 

 Here are some photos from Mr. C's first month:

First NFL Sunday with Daddy

Smiling during his birth announcement photo shoot
Meeting Grandma and Grandpa 
Meeting Basha and Gramps
Peaceful sleeper
Our family
First walk
So many cute clothes for this little guy

Very animated

Snuggle time with mommy
Trying out the Baby Bjorn with Daddy

Happy boy
Trying out the Moby Wrap with Mommy
Sad about the Mariner's disappointing season
More snuggles
Cooper's new buddy, Ben
with Auntie K
Tummy time
One month old

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As the Baby Bump Grows

I meant to post this before Cooper was born but didn't get to it in time.  These past 10 months flew by and it seems like so long ago that I was pregnant.  I must say, it's nice to be holding my baby boy in my arms instead of my belly...

15 weeks

17 weeks

19 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks

27 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

38 weeks

39 weeks

40.5 weeks

and finally, on Sept 6,  I got to hold Baby Cooper in my arms.

Friday, September 17, 2010

He's Here!

Introducing the cutest and newest addition to our family:

Cooper Thomas Via
A Labor Day Baby
7lbs 9oz
22 inches

We are filled with love for this little guy.  We can't wait to have our family and friends to meet him!

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Garden

Our backyard was pretty ugly when we moved in last summer....and we finally did something about it during the spring.  The holly trees were removed, the layers of white rock and bark were dug up and only the crepe myrtle was spared.  Then the clay breaker and new topsoil filled the beds and the planting began.  

Ethan's always wanted to grow hot peppers, so we started some red and jalapeƱo pepper seeds (unfortunately, only the red peppers survived).  We also planted some brussel sprouts seedlings, which we just found out take 6 months to produce sprouts.  Good thing we planted these in April, so we just might be able to enjoy them before we move. I also planted some wild flower seeds, dahlia bulbs, bleeding heart and my favorite, sweet peas.   All the flowers have done well, except the sweet peas.  Apparently, they don't appreciate the hot and muggy Virginia summer.  We love the way the garden turned out and it's nice to have something pretty to look at in the backyard. 



Ethan's prized peppers

The first pepper harvest - time to make some hot sauce!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A "Handmade" Photo Shoot

I wanted to capture the memory of my first pregnancy, our first baby and my first baby bump with some photographs.  When I looked into rates for professional photographers, I couldn't believe the prices I saw!  So I thought, with my tripod and camera, I could try to take these photos myself.  I don't have the Photoshop and lighting skills of a pro but I am happy with how they turned out.  And now we will forever remember this special moment in our lives.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Nursery

With only 9 days until our baby's due date, our house is officially ready for the new resident.  Here is his completed nursery; however, Luna seems to think this is her room too...

Daddy assembling the crib

Job well done
It's a safe bet that Luna won't like this spot once there are dirty diapers nearby...

Our nursery project is complete.

Here's hoping there's lots of sleeping done in this crib.