Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Mother's Day

I love my sweet boy and am so lucky to have him as my son.  Thank you for making me a mommy, Cooper!

8 months

Cooper turned 8 months earlier this month.  He added pull-ups and crawling to his resume, along with the title of Official Door Closer.  He loves any kind of door, from the kitchen cabinets to the closets.  As long as he can open and close it, he is happy.  Which promptly made me go out and buy baby locks for the off limits doors.  He is a curious little guy and we have to be one step ahead of him.  I still haven't figured out how to keep him from getting into Luna's water dish....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Latest Milestone - A Pull Up

Cooper started weightlifting at my parents house last weekend.  He tried and succeeded at picking up a 3 pound weight.  His arms are very strong now and as a result, C pulled himself up for the first time yesterday.  It was very exciting to watch and he was so proud of himself.  :) 

Mastering the Crawl

Our little guy has become quite mobile and is working on perfecting his crawling moves.  He likes to scoot backwards but lately has been taking some crawl steps toward either a person or his toys.  We may be celebrating his 8 month birthday (on Friday) by putting up the baby gate.