Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 months

Cooper is actually closer to 11 months than 10 months now....but it took me a while to post this photo.  I honestly can't believe he's turning one year old soon.  Seems to me this little guy just learned how to roll over last week - and these days he's cruising around the living room with no problem.  He even stood by himself a few times in the past week.  I wonder if he'll be walking before his birthday....

Cooper's latest and greatest:

*first lower tooth arrived the day before he turned 10 mos
*loves Ritz crackers (but still gags a bit if he gets too much on his tongue)
*holds his bottle on his own and is almost a sippy cup pro
*loves anything with wheels
*pushing chairs around the dining room makes him smile (I let him do it because it's good practice for walking)
*points at things and makes a sound like "huh?" (translation: what is that?)
*fascinated by hanging light fixtures
*always on the go....which makes diaper changing and getting dressed a two person job
*plays peek-a-boo with curtains and pillows

Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Fourth

We stayed in town for the Fourth of July - had a relaxing day at home and then went to my aunt and uncle's house in Wallingford.  As a kid, it was always a July 4th tradition to meet the rest of the family there for food and fireworks.  This year was a little different because most of the cousins weren't there and we missed the fireworks part.  When you have a baby whose ideal bedtime is 8 pm, 10 pm fireworks aren't in the cards.  Maybe in a few years, when the kids can enjoy them together and staying up past their bedtime is a treat.  Here are a few family photos from the holiday (plus a few outtakes...flag waving is tricky).

Daddy, let me show you how to hold a flag.

Maybe I can reach this plant if I use the flag...

I see something cooler than Mommy's camera down there.

I like to show Mommy I can still blow raspberries.

I love clapping!

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Growing Family

It's a Girl!


One of Cooper's favorite games is playing with clothes.  He loves pulling them out of baskets, twirling them around and then throwing them on the floor.  If only he knew how to fold....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 years of marriage

Ethan and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary in June.  We went on a weekend getaway to Bellingham while C had fun with Grandma and Grandpa.  It was interesting to be in my old college town and see what's changed and what has stayed the same. I can't believe it's been 10 years since I graduated from Western!  Ethan and I enjoyed spending time as a couple and someday, we'll bring Cooper to see where his mommy went to college.

We went to Larabee State Park and visited the spot where our life together began....

The proposal site -this is the rock where Ethan gave me a rock.

6 years younger
6 years older - the only thing that's changed is Ethan's hair, right?

2 cross country moves + 1 NY/VA move + sweet Cooper + 2 home purchases + 1 home sale =
 5 eventful and happy years of marriage!