Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Catching up on Ellie's Monthly Photos

 I'm finally getting some new photos on here.  Our little girl will be one year old soon - it's very hard to believe!  She's crawling now and close to pulling herself up.  Her favorite things right now are eating (she loves to feed herself) and dancing (she rocks and sways to the music).  She is quite a character and keeps us entertained.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

6 months!

Where does the time go?  We can't believe our baby girl is halfway to being a year old.  She is a pretty serious little lady but when she smiles, she smiles big. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Apologies to family and friends who check our blog. We are currently redecorating our family room downstairs and all the furniture is packed into the garage. Which means no computer. Which means no blog because for some reason, I can't upload photos to the blog via the iPad. I will have lots of photos to share once our family room is complete and life resumes as normal again. Ellie turned 4 months old today and I managed to get a photo of her cute smile. I will share it when I can.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Catch Up

 For some reason, the post I did yesterday was deleted when I tried to access it from our iPad....so here we go again.  In no particular order, here are some photos from the last few weeks/months.  I have been neglecting the blog lately because honestly, the laundry needs to get done and the dishwasher needs to be unloaded and free time is rare nowadays.  But these little cuties make it worthwhile. 
2 months old! 
Cooper and Stella had a play date.  They played doctor.
Coop loves reading in his big boy chair.

Staring contest with an orangutan at the zoo
Checking out the goats
Cooper's favorite part of the zoo: the tractor!
Enjoying the February sunshine
During our week of being snowed in, we did some art projects.
Breakfast by candlelight during the power outage.
A visit to the aquarium
C wanted to jump in and take a bath with the starfish.
Mr. Octopus
On dry days, we swing in the backyard.
Ellie joined us this time.
The little lady giving some smiles.

Showing off her muscles

A little bit serious
Auntie K watched the kids and treated Ethan and I to a fun night out. Dinner and tickets to my cousin Zoe's show. Zoe Muth and the Lost High Rollers are touring in Europe right now.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow Days

Western Washington was hit with a snowstorm last week and by Friday we had close to a foot of snow at our house.  Coop loved playing in the snow and helped his Daddy make a snow man.  The snow was pretty but we are happy to see it melting now. 

After the first round on Sunday

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

We were able to enjoy Christmas this year (last year we had just moved into the house and had a 3 1/2 month old, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to decorate).  Cooper is now at the age where he can tell something exciting is happening.  He loved the Christmas tree and hearing about Santa Claus (seeing him in person was quite different - proof below).  He liked opening his first couple presents but lost interest with the rest of the packages (however, he loves playing with all of his new toys).  At only one month old, Elliott was happy being passed around the family for snuggle time.   I have a feeling next year will be even more fun and Ellie will be running around with her big brother. 
Cooper wasn't a fan of Santa this year.

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care..."

Christmas morning - checking out his stocking treasures

Ellie with Nana

More excited about tearing the wrapping paper than the Playdoh inside.

Ellie and Grandpa