Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mommy/Daughter time

While Cooper is at school, Ellie and I have some fun one on one time. So far, I've discovered she loves to run around the grocery store, help weed in the garden, try on shoes at ROSS and people watch at the park.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Enjoying another sunny day at the beach. Nothing beats Seattle in the summer. 


How did this day come so fast? How is my little boy almost 3? C had his first day of school today: the preschool he will attend in the fall has an August summer session. He will go twice a week for 3.5 hours/day. So far, so good. No tears at drop off and he had a great day learning about dinosaurs. According to his teacher, he started to miss Mommy about 15 minutes before pickup but recovered nicely. C is excited about school and wore his back pack for the rest of the day, even when he ate dinner and brushed his teeth. :) He would have slept with it on if we'd let him.