Halfway to turning one year old! Seems like yesterday we were taking him home from the hospital. At 6 months old, Cooper is on track to being a very big boy. He's almost 28 inches long and 18 lb 9 oz heavy. And I mean HEAVY. He is a very sturdy baby, sitting up great and really trying to crawl. He can get on all fours but gets stuck with what to do next. He turns his unsure-ness into a pretty fancy move - a faceplant ending in a quick roll to his back.
In position
"What now?"
Also, we are pretty sure he will be a genius. His head circumference is now in the 98th percentile. That's right, his head is larger than 98% of babies his age....which explains why the baby sunglasses I bought him don't seem to fit right.
Cooper is a fun baby and does many tricks to make us laugh. He's been into blowing raspberries lately and has been known to spit at anyone who is within range.
Cooper's only 2 inches shorter than Stella!