Cooper is 9 months old! He had his check-up yesterday and Dr. Miller confirmed that C is a healthy boy. And by healthy, we mean big. He weighs 21 lb 8 oz (80th percentile), is just about 30 inches long (90th percentile) and his head circumference ranks in the 95th percentile. Still no teeth, but the doc says not to be worried.
Coop is a quick mover, he loves to crawl after Luna and surprisingly, she is pretty tolerant of him. But she is still faster and can easily escape his grasp. He started "cruising" which apparently means walking himself along the coffee table or couch. He really loves yogurt but isn't quite ready for cheerios yet. Our attempts at giving finger foods failed and often end up in dramatic gags from Cooper. We'll stick with the purees for a little while longer.
He loves to play "catch" and has figured out how to stack blocks. He likes knocking them down best though. He likes being outside and could probably play in the wood chips or grass for hours. This is how I got him to sit still for this month's photo - the grass mesmerized him and he sat for a while. I'm sure this will change soon enough and he'll want to explore the yard.
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